Thursday, October 10, 2013

oracle.jbo.expr.JIEvalException: JBO-25077: Name MyLOVType not found in the given object - Error When Trying To Implement LOV Attribute

If you have ever received the oracle.jbo.expr.JIEvalException: JBO-25077: Name MyLOVType not found in the given object error when trying to implement a LOV for an attribute you mots likely spent more time than you should have trying to figure out what the issue was. According to the error message everything is configured as it should be and it is even telling you that it can't find the MyLOVType in the given object which is the LOV type that you are looking for. Upon closer examination of the view accessor used to generate the LOV you will find that you didn't enclose the string value in quotes for the bind parameter value. MyLOVType should be "MyLOVType" just as the value for p_active is "Y".


  1. You're the man! How silly it's to thrown an error when the type is clearly specified to be j.l.String. *SMH*

  2. You saved my time! Thanks a lot. Still wondering how silly mistake I did. Thank you.
